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Plumbing & Electrical Earthworks

Excavation and plumbing services by Todd’s, showcasing trenching and drainage expertise for seamless project execution.

Todd’s can excavate your land for all your plumbing and electrical requirements

With over 20 years in business, Todd’s can handle all your earthwork, plumbing & electrical requirements

Plumbing & Electrical Earthworks

Excavation and plumbing services by Todd’s, showcasing trenching and drainage expertise for seamless project execution.

Todd’s can excavate your land for all your plumbing and electrical requirements

With over 20 years in business, Todd’s can handle all your earthwork, plumbing & electrical requirements.

Todd’s own our own mini excavators, our skilled operators can excavate whatever is required for your plumbing and electrical work.

We are your one-stop solution, for above and below ground.
Todd’s own mini excavators and our skilled operators can excavate whatever is required for your plumbing and electrical work.

Excavation machinery at Todd’s, showcasing trenching and drainage for plumbing and electrical services.

Todd’s own our own mini excavators, our skilled operators can excavate whatever is required for your plumbing and electrical work.

We are your one-stop solution, we can excavate your earth as well as installing our running piping or cable.

Finance Available

Plumbing & Electrical Excavation Services

Excavation and plumbing services truck from Todd’s, featuring trenching and drainage work in progress.


Excavation services from Todd’s Plumbing and Electrical company showcasing drainage and trenching work.


Todd's Excavation and Plumbing Services truck at an excavation site performing drainage and trenching work for clients.


Five Star Service!

Get A Free Quote

Submit your details or call 0482 080 423

Head Office

1/28 central Park Avenue, Ashmore, Qld, 4214

0482 080 423

1300 609 606

QBCC: 1126780

Electrical License Number: 71053

We accept cash, direct deposits, and all major CC's

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